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All About Romance review (I’m a “Desert Isle Keeper”!)

by on Sep.06, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

I’m pleased and proud to report that reviewer Caz of the wonderful All About Romance site has reviewed Lord of Secrets and given it the site’s highest rating, “Desert Isle Keeper.”

The review says, “I found myself tearing up several times in the final section of the book – it was very emotional, but never melodramatic or over the top,” and gives Lord of Secrets “a whole-hearted thumbs up.” Click here to jump to the review.

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by on Aug.14, 2013, under Author news, Bookshelf, Reviews

Reviewers, do you enjoy a bit of banter in your regencies? A little mystery, perhaps? A TRYST WITH TROUBLE is now available for preview on Netgalley.

Click here to jump to the Netgalley catalog entry.

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Reading Under the Willow Tree

by on May.17, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

There’s a new review of LORD OF SECRETS up today. Kate of Reading Under the Willow Tree calls the story “a lovely romance…with real emotional impact and relatable characters.”

Click here to jump to the review.

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Review and Giveaways

by on Apr.04, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

There’s a lovely review of LORD OF SECRETS by Sara of The Window Seat on a Rainy Day. Click here to jump to the site.

Also, today was the cutoff to enter my Carina Press giveaway of a $20 Amazon gift certificate. I’m still waiting to hear from the lucky winner, commenter #4, Veronika. Veronika, if you’re out there, please contact me with your e-mail so I can send you your prize.

And for those who didn’t win, there’s still time to enter my giveaway at Ex Libris to win an e-copy of LORD OF SECRETS and a $10 Amazon gift card. The contest ends tomorrow, April 4. Click here to jump to the site.

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Lovey Dovey Books review

by on Mar.21, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

Another early review–Lovey Dovey Books gives Lord of Secrets 5 doves out of 5. “The suspense of discovering David’s dark secrets make the romance that much sweeter, because through all the drama and emotional distress, readers will come to understand and truly care for these characters.”

Click here to read the review.

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Early Lord of Secrets Review

by on Mar.20, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

Victoria Janssen of Heroes and Heartbreakers wrote a lovely, thoughtful “first look” review of Lord of Secrets, calling it “an absorbing read.”

Click here to jump to the review.

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Publisher’s Weekly Pick

by on Jul.06, 2012, under Author news, Reviews

I just discovered today that back when A Tryst With Trouble was supposed to come out in January of this year–specifically, in June, 2011–Publisher’s Weekly included it on their list of “Damsels Who Rescue Themselves” book picks. PW called Tryst “a passionate Regency romance debut.”

Here’s hoping the book will be released one day soon.

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Ex Libris

by on Jun.24, 2012, under Reviews

On Friday, I posted about the review of Ruined by Rumor on Book Lovers Inc. That review was written by Stella, and her home blog is called Ex Libris. I hope you’ll check her blog out here–not just to see how pretty her review of my own personal book looks on her site (and it does! Her rating system even calls the book “Novellus Superbus!”) but because all Stella’s reviews are thoughtful and informative.

Just click the blog name above to jump to the Ex Libris site, or click anywhere in this sentence. Thanks again for the insights you provide to authors and readers, Stella!

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Book Lovers Inc. review

by on Jun.22, 2012, under Reviews

Ruined by Rumor received 4.5 stars in a charming and thoughtful review on the Book Lovers Inc. site today.  “Despite the humour and wittiness Ruined by Rumor was an angsty Regency romance of the best kind: the type where the reader is constantly biting their nails and having trouble swallowing as they are too anxious to see how the hero and heroine will finally find their way to each other.”  The reviewer, Stella, even included a link to my Pinterest board.  Thanks so much for reading and reviewing, Stella!

Click here to read the full review.

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Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

by on Jun.07, 2012, under Reviews

Jennifer at Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews gave Ruined by Rumor four stars and a lovely review, saying it has “well-written characters, a simple plot, elegant writing, and some amazingly tender moments.” Thanks, Jennifer!

To read the full review, click here.

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