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A fun update

by on Jul.21, 2014, under Author news

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The Italian title of A Tryst With Trouble translates to “A Marquess in Charge” or “A Marquess Accused.”

I’ll be heading tomorrow to the Romance Writers of America conference in San Antonio, Texas. Before I go, though, I have a couple pieces of news.

First–and this is always fun for me–I just learned that A Tryst With Trouble now has an Italian translation: UN MARCHESE SOTTO ACCUSA (A Marquess in Charge). That’s the cover image to the left.

Second, I just learned this morning that the audiobook version of An Heir of Uncertainty has gone into production. I still don’t have a release date or know the identity of the narrator, but I’ll post more when I do.

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All About Romance reviews A Tryst With Trouble

by on Nov.13, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

At All About Romance today, reviewer Caz takes a look at A Tryst With Trouble: “it’s just the thing when you’re looking for a pick-me-up read.”

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Giveaway winner

by on Oct.01, 2013, under Author news

The winner of my A Tryst With Trouble Amazon $20 gift card giveaway at the Carina Press blog is commenter #3, Angelina (Barbin) Jameson. Angelina, contact me to collect your prize! (You can use the “Contact me” tab on the left, or any of the links under “Find me here” on the right–Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

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New blog post and giveaway

by on Sep.24, 2013, under Author news, Blog posts

What if you or someone you loved was gay in the year 1820? As part of the release-week celebrations for A Tryst With Trouble, I’m at the Carina Press site today, blogging about “Men’s men, spinsters, and those in the regency closet.”

In addition, I’m giving away a $20 Amazon gift card. Just leave a comment after the post to enter. The contest closes at 8:00 a.m. Eastern on October 1. Buy more books!

Click here to jump to the Carina Press blog and to enter for the giveaway.

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USA Today mention

by on Sep.24, 2013, under Author news

USA Today is featuring A Tryst With Trouble today in their Happily Ever After column! The column is even titled, “Consider a tryst with a new historical romance.”

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“Dear Author” reviews ATWT

by on Sep.23, 2013, under Reviews

Last year, Jennie of Dear Author reviewed A Tryst With Trouble, and today, Willaful has posted a new Dear Author review of the book. She writes that it “didn’t feel bloated or cutesy to me, as so many wallpaper Regencies do, and it just generally had a freshness that appealed to my jaded romance palate.” She gives the book a B-, which I’ll happily take from Dear Author any day!

To read the full review, click here.

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A Tryst With Trouble is out!

by on Sep.23, 2013, under Author news, Bookshelf

It’s release day for A Tryst With Trouble!

A Tryst With Trouble cover

London, 1820

Lady Barbara Jeffords is certain her little sister didn’t murder the footman, no matter how it looks…and no matter what the Marquess of Beningbrough–Ben–might say. She can scarcely help it if his cousin is the only other suspect. In fact, she wants nothing to do with ruggedly handsome Ben; he reminds her of all the insensitive clods who passed her over.

For years Ben has been dogged by painful gossip about his father’s rumored homosexuality. His gruff shell hides a passionate nature, and he’s also fiercely loyal—which is why he’ll never let the clever and beguiling Lady Barbara pin a murder on his cousin.

Sparks fly as the two compete to defend their loved ones. But as strange new clues emerge that neither can decipher alone, they have no choice but to compare notes and sleuth in tandem. A tenuous bond develops that soon faces its toughest challenge when Ben himself becomes a suspect…

A Tryst With Trouble received a 4-star review from Romantic Times Book Reviews, which called Ben and Barbara “a surprising couple who will entertain with their Nick and Nora-esque antics.”

A Tryst With Trouble is available as an e-book at Carina Press and all major e-book retailers. It’s also available as an audiobook narrated by Lizzie Owensby. To order or learn more, click here.

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Contest at Nite Lite Book Reviews

by on Sep.11, 2013, under Author news

The wonderful ladies of Nite Lite Book Reviews, Thuy and Alethea, are hosting a giveaway to mark the release of A Tryst With Trouble. First prize is a $20 Amazon gift card, and a second lucky winner will receive an e-copy of the book.

To enter the contest via Rafflecopter, click here to jump to the Nite Lite site. The deadline for entry is A Tryst With Trouble‘s release date, September 23.

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by on Aug.14, 2013, under Author news, Bookshelf, Reviews

Reviewers, do you enjoy a bit of banter in your regencies? A little mystery, perhaps? A TRYST WITH TROUBLE is now available for preview on Netgalley.

Click here to jump to the Netgalley catalog entry.

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