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Tag: Lord of Secrets

I’m a “buried treasure”!

by on Feb.26, 2014, under Author news, Reviews

Today on All About Romance, I was mentioned in their article on the “Buried Treasures” of 2013. Thanks go to reviewer Caz Owens for thinking of me!

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AudioGals review

by on Feb.10, 2014, under Author news, Reviews

Over at the AudioGals site, the wonderfully articulate and perceptive Caz has written a review of the audiobook version of Lord of Secrets, giving the content an A- and the narration a B-. I’m always grateful for reviews (even the unfavorable ones, as long as they mention what didn’t work for them so I’m not left lying awake at night, wondering, wondering…). I particularly appreciate the kind of thoughtful and detailed look Caz always takes at a story.

You can read the full review by clicking here.

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All About Romance review (I’m a “Desert Isle Keeper”!)

by on Sep.06, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

I’m pleased and proud to report that reviewer Caz of the wonderful All About Romance site has reviewed Lord of Secrets and given it the site’s highest rating, “Desert Isle Keeper.”

The review says, “I found myself tearing up several times in the final section of the book – it was very emotional, but never melodramatic or over the top,” and gives Lord of Secrets “a whole-hearted thumbs up.” Click here to jump to the review.

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Reading Under the Willow Tree

by on May.17, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

There’s a new review of LORD OF SECRETS up today. Kate of Reading Under the Willow Tree calls the story “a lovely romance…with real emotional impact and relatable characters.”

Click here to jump to the review.

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Back from the RT Convention

by on May.07, 2013, under Conference news

I just got back from the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention in Kansas City, where a snow storm hit just as the e-book Expo began. I want to thank all the readers who stopped by to say hello–I had a great time meeting you!

Alyssa Everett at the RT Expo in Kansas City.

Meeting readers at the RT Expo in Kansas City.

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Review and Giveaways

by on Apr.04, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

There’s a lovely review of LORD OF SECRETS by Sara of The Window Seat on a Rainy Day. Click here to jump to the site.

Also, today was the cutoff to enter my Carina Press giveaway of a $20 Amazon gift certificate. I’m still waiting to hear from the lucky winner, commenter #4, Veronika. Veronika, if you’re out there, please contact me with your e-mail so I can send you your prize.

And for those who didn’t win, there’s still time to enter my giveaway at Ex Libris to win an e-copy of LORD OF SECRETS and a $10 Amazon gift card. The contest ends tomorrow, April 4. Click here to jump to the site.

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USA Today mention

by on Apr.02, 2013, under Author news

So cool! LORD OF SECRETS is on USATODAY’s list of highlighted historical romances. Click here to view the list.

Also, if you haven’t entered yet, there’s still time to leave a comment at, where I’m giving away a $20 Amazon gift certificate to one lucky commenter. Cutoff time to enter is 8:00 a.m. Eastern tomorrow, Wednesday 4/3. Click here to jump right to the page.

And, finally, I have a new logo:

Author logo of Alyssa Everett

I hope you like it as much as I do!

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Release day!

by on Mar.25, 2013, under Author news, Blog posts

Today is release day for Lord of Secrets! The story is available here as an e-book and at as an audiobook here. The audiobook is narrated by Courtney Patterson.

And to celebrate the release of my second regency romance, I’m guest-blogging today at Ex Libris. I’ll be giving away a free copy of the e-book edition of Lord of Secrets and a $10 Amazon gift certificate. You can click here to jump to the blog post.

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Lovey Dovey Books review

by on Mar.21, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

Another early review–Lovey Dovey Books gives Lord of Secrets 5 doves out of 5. “The suspense of discovering David’s dark secrets make the romance that much sweeter, because through all the drama and emotional distress, readers will come to understand and truly care for these characters.”

Click here to read the review.

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Early Lord of Secrets Review

by on Mar.20, 2013, under Author news, Reviews

Victoria Janssen of Heroes and Heartbreakers wrote a lovely, thoughtful “first look” review of Lord of Secrets, calling it “an absorbing read.”

Click here to jump to the review.

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