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Tag: regency

Why I’m Humming The Beatles’ “Paperback Writer”….

by on Apr.25, 2014, under Author news

I’m so excited–I just learned from my publisher that my first regency, Ruined by Rumor, is going to be available in print! The book will go on sale June 2nd as a trade paperback. If you know any regency romance fans who prefer traditional paperbacks to e-books, please spread the word. The more successful the format is, the more likely Carina Press will be to offer more regencies in print.

I’ll post a link to the paperback edition as soon as it goes up on Amazon.

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Romantic Historical Reviews

by on Apr.04, 2014, under Reviews, Uncategorized

Today Romantic Historical Reviews is taking a look at An Heir of Uncertainty. “For readers who enjoy more depth to their historical romances (in a similar vein to Mary Balogh), lovely prose, a clever mystery and well-researched plot, An Heir of Uncertainty is highly recommended.” (Thanks Jill!)

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Contest winner

by on Mar.19, 2014, under Uncategorized

And the winner of my Carina Press blog contest to win a free copy of An Heir of Uncertainty is…Justine! Justine, if you’ll contact me to let me know your e-mail address, I’ll be happy to send you your prize. You can reply here on my website, on the Carina Press blog, or by tweeting me @Alyssa_Everett.

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A contest and a blog post

by on Mar.11, 2014, under Blog posts

Today I’m at the site, blogging about why I gave my 1820s hero a brother on the autism spectrum. If you visit the blog and leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win a copy of An Heir of Uncertainty. You can enter up until 9 a.m. Eastern time on March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day), when I’ll announce the winner here and on the Carina blog. If you win the contest but you’ve already bought a copy of  An Heir of Uncertainty (in which case, thank you!) I’ll be happy to send it as a gift to the recipient of your choice.

To read my CarinaPress blog post, click here.

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Release day!

by on Mar.10, 2014, under Author news, Bookshelf

An Heir of Uncertainty

An Heir of Uncertainty is now available at Amazon and all major e-book retailers.

I’m so excited–it’s release day for my newest regency, An Heir of Uncertainty!

A mystery wrapped in a romance, it’s the story of the two possible claimaints for a title and the dazzling fortune that comes with it: Colonel Win Vaughan, distant cousin to the late Earl of Radbourne, and the child that Lina, the earl’s young widow, is carrying. Only one  can inherit, so when danger begins to swirl around Lina and her unborn child, can she possibly trust Win?

You can order An Heir of Uncertainty here. I hope you enjoy it!

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AudioGals review

by on Feb.10, 2014, under Author news, Reviews

Over at the AudioGals site, the wonderfully articulate and perceptive Caz has written a review of the audiobook version of Lord of Secrets, giving the content an A- and the narration a B-. I’m always grateful for reviews (even the unfavorable ones, as long as they mention what didn’t work for them so I’m not left lying awake at night, wondering, wondering…). I particularly appreciate the kind of thoughtful and detailed look Caz always takes at a story.

You can read the full review by clicking here.

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by on Jan.22, 2014, under Author news, Reviews

I just received my first review for An Heir of Uncertainty, my upcoming (March 10) release. Romantic Times Reviews gives the book four stars and calls it “a mystery rolled into a love story that is both exciting and tender.” They also single out one of the secondary characters, Freddie, calling him a “standout.” Thanks, RT!

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New cover art!

by on Jan.13, 2014, under Author news, Bookshelf

Here’s a sneak peek at the cover of my upcoming regency romance, An Heir of Uncertainty. I think it captures the suspenseful, gothic feel of the romance.

Cover of An Heir of Uncertainty

The cover of An Heir of Uncertainty features the widowed heroine, Lina, Countess of Radbourne.

An Heir of Uncertainty will be relased on March 10. You can pre-order the book here.

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Bob tail nags

by on Dec.19, 2013, under Blog posts

It’s the 19th of the month, and that means I’m blogging again at Romancing the Past. Today I’m talking about the meaning of the familiar line from Jingle Bells, “Bells on bob tails ring…”

Click here to jump to the post.

A Gentleman with his Pair of Bays Harnessed to a Curricle, John Cordrey

This 1806 painting by John Cordrey shows a pair of bob tails harnessed to a curricle.

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My first stab at regency millinery

by on Nov.19, 2013, under Blog posts

regency poke bonnet

My finished red velvet poke bonnet — though I’ll probably re-trim it, since I’m not entirely happy with the ribbon.

Today I’m at Romancing the Past, blogging about the regency bonnet-making workshop I attended this month, taught by expert milliner Lydia Fast. I learned an enormous amount, including the surprising amount of time and materials that go into a typical regency bonnet.

Click here to jump to the post.

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