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Tag: 2013 RT Booklovers Conference

2013 RT (Romantic Times) Expo

by on Apr.28, 2013, under Conference news

This week I’ll be attending the 2013 RT Booklovers’ Convention in Kansas City, MO. I’ll be signing at the RT E-book (also Indie Published and Graphic Novel) Expo on Thursday, May 2, from 4 to 6. I hope to see you there, but whether you’ll be attending or not, you can access my author page for the Expo using this QR code:

Alyssa Everett QR Code

Scan this code to visit my author page for the 2013 RT Expo.

If you do plan to attend, don’t be shy about saying hello and hitting me up for my free swag, a microfiber cloth you can use to clean your computer screen, e-reader, and glasses.

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